The goal of this study is to see how the experimental study drug, siplizumab, can block or weaken the cells that attack beta cells in the pancreas. This would allow the beta cells to continue to function and produce insulin.
About the Study Drug - Siplizumab
Siplizumab is an experimental anti-CD2 monoclonal antibody medication, which targets the immune pathway that may block or reduce the T cells that attack the beta cells in the pancreas. Siplizumab has been given to patients with psoriasis and several other diseases in experimental studies. Siplizumab has never been used in people with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Siplizumab has not been approved by the FDA to treat any illness, including T1DM.
Participating in the DESIGNATE Study
There are four treatment groups in this study. You cannot choose your group. A computer randomly picks who will be in each group. There is no placebo group. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to receive twelve weekly siplizumab injections at one of the following doses:
- 0.08 mg/kg
- 0.12 mg/kg
- 0.18 mg/kg
- 0.22 mg/kg
You and your study doctor will know which study group you are assigned to.
DESIGNATE is a 52-week Research Study
Treatment Period | 3 months (12 weeks) | 12 weekly clinic visits (at which the participant receives weekly injections of the study drug) |
Follow-up Period | 9 months (40 weeks) | 4 clinic visits (at weeks 12, 24, 36 and 52) |
Participation will also involve intensive diabetes management while you are in the study. Participants will do this with the help of their regular doctor or local diabetes care team. If needed, the study team will work with their doctor to help keep their diabetes under good control.